Musical Director

Jennifer Cooke

Jen started singing barbershop at a young age with her mom, dad, and sister in Marion, Ohio. She brought this love of four-part harmony with her to Nashville, Tennessee, where she joined Sweet Adelines International (SA) in 2000.  She has since joined the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) and Harmony, Inc. (HI) and remains a proud member of all three organizations. 
She is a Certified Director through Sweet Adelines’ Director Certification Program and has achieved the status of Master Director.  She is also a past member of the SA International Board of Directors and served on the Regional Leadership Committee and the Young Women in Harmony Committee.

Jen has been honored to be a part of the prestigious Harmony University (BHS) faculty and is the current Membership Coordinator for Region 14 and Regional Faculty in Regions 4 and 14 (SA).
Jen sings with Presto!, current international 4th place medalist (SA) and V, current international 10th place quartet (HI). She is also a member of  Song of Atlanta Chorus (SA). Jen has been the front-line director for Scenic City Chorus (SA) in Chattanooga, TN, for the past 11 years and is currently directing an a cappella chorus, Serendipity, in Nashville.